World Turtle News, 11/11/2018

Delving Deep Into The Magical and Mysterious World Of The Sea Turtle

The intricate details of the life of a sea turtle are limited, at best, and we can only presume from our acquired data what these marine reptiles do on a frequent and daily basis. Radio transmitters and cameras have thus far remained the primary method of studying these creatures, and have provided researchers with incredibly valuable information regarding their movements and habits in the wild. The Cape Eleuthera Institute has put this into practice through their partnership with Paralenz, an underwater camera company which specializes in these devices which allow us to observe what goes on beneath the surface of the water. Proving safer and more effective than the commonly used Gopro cameras, these devices are even calibrated to calculate depth and temperature and have proved highly successful in discovering preciously unknown habits that sea turtles employ on a daily basis. Dubbed the TurtleCamproject, this initiative takes a vital role in furthering the conservation of the world’s sea turtles, and while the focus is currently on Chelonia mydas from the Bahamas, this innovative idea may also be extensively utilized on a variety of marine life; furthermore, the rare and unique footage is an inspiration for thousands as it raises awareness for the dangerous plight of sea turtles worldwide, and prompts members of the community to act accordingly.

Turtle News From Around the World


CA: Crew saves life of lucky sea turtle

AU: Desperate need for native turtle preservation measures

QR: Frightening decrease in sea turtle population

USA: Incredible rescue of stranded sea turtle inspires community


USA: Methods used by Emydoidea blandingii for movement patterns

Crime & Punishment

India: Another tortoise confiscation reaches headlines


USA: Funding for ecological program to benefit marine wildlife

Health & Medical

Asia: Head trauma victim in rehab


USA: Tortoise has a historical heritage

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Photo from Nathan J. Robinson.


WTN Editor

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